Halloween night is coming and we certainly can’t be caught unprepared! In fact, tradition requires that on the evening of 31 October children equip themselves with frightening costumes and capacious baskets to go between houses to ask for sweets by pronouncing the typical phrase ” trick or treating “? But beware not all candies are vegan , choose those without ingredients of animal origin. Discover them all buy CBD oil tincture .

Rich in flavor and able to melt in the mouth, candies are a snack loved by young and old and there are many varieties with different tastes, shapes, colors and textures . Obviously this was not the case in the past, candies were a luxury that few could afford, as in reality it was also the sugar of which candies are largely composed. Only after the Second World War onwards were the shops filled with these small and very sweet morsels, with colorful wrappings and the strangest shapes, inevitable at parties. However, we must be careful, although they are really delicious , we must not abuse them because they are not composed mostly of sugar,a non-essential food in our diet responsible for the onset of cardiovascular diseases, even serious ones, and diabetes CBD tincture.



Unfortunately, not all candies are vegan and indeed, until recently it was difficult to find any candies that were even vegetarian, especially among the gummy ones . The candies with a gelatinous consistency were in fact often produced with the help of what is called ” food gelatin “, an unclear wording which most of the time indicates a collagen obtained from production waste from intensive farms, especially from cattle and pigs. Fortunately however, more and more companies are realizing that candies with the same flavors and textures can be obtained even with only plant-based foods, and which are actually tastier and even more consumed because they are decidedly healthier and have a lower environmental impact. An example of this is the Sperlari company, which since last year has decided to ban animal gelatine in all its products for ethical and environmental reasons, and is only the latest in a series of companies that have made green choices.

The problem doesn’t just affect jelly candies, even those with a firmer texture aren’t always vegan. Among the foods to which attention must be paid are:

– cream and milk , of which all sweets are largely composed;

– honey (or propolis ) which are mainly used for balsamic candies;

– additives and dyes.